Ruth Deutschmann
Benjamin Epp
Sylvia Manning - Baumgartner
Nicole D´Incecco
Then my husband was employed with the Kreisleiter in Imst and we were supposed to go there. We got a flat and had to move to Imst They were building flats for South Tyrolean immigrants there. We had to move up there. So we started packing. In Innsbruck, we had already gathered the things which we were moving, a nice carpet and a few pictures were ready to go, packed up. The truck was coming for our things, when an air raid warning was given, and of course we ran out to Amras to the bunker. During the raid, our flat was destroyed. There was only rubble left. The truck had to leave again, and we were back at our relatives? sleeping on the floor. And me very pregnant with the first one. We searched the rubble for anything that could be repaired and put things onto the truck which had come by again. We then went to Imst and had things fixed, of course only half was left. One carpet was rolled up and had a hole all the way through.Right through - the whole role. I also had a spinning wheel - only bits of it were left lying about